What added value does programmatic advertising bring to the point?


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Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic Advertising describes the fully automated and individualized purchase and sale of advertising space in real time. By including target group-specific user data, wastage is minimized and conversion rates are scaled significantly. Regardless of whether it is a display, audio or addressable TV – advertising materials tailored to the user are delivered on the basis of the available user data.

Programmatic Advertising Prospacting

Central control with one technology: Demand Side Platforms (DSPs)

We work in the programmatic advertising media delivery with Demand Side Platforms (DSPs).

The DSP technology functions as a component of automated advertising space trading in online marketing by controlling the demand for advertising space. By continuously reviewing and rating several billion potential ad impressions within milliseconds according to relevance, maximum campaign efficiency is achieved.

Programmatic Display Prospecting


Analyze audience


Cluster & segment audience


Address audience at any time & at any “place”


Convert Audience

Display prospecting is the data-driven approach to new customers across the web on laptops, desktops, smartphones or tablets.

It is a performance marketing process for introducing new, high-conversion users who have a very high likelihood of completion based on their attributes and surfing behavior.

With the help of the creation of statistical profile twins and the help of audience data, new, potential customers are led to the website in a targeted manner.

A highly efficient data-driven approach to new customers, based on algorithms, increases the value of the user and thus takes a significant part of the KUR & eCPO optimizations.

We use a variety of different targeting selections to guarantee that we will reach the right users in the right place at the right time with the right advertising message.

Targeting options

The most granular display and optimization (both in brand and performance) using a targeting option such as:

  • Audience Targeting
  • Lookalike Modeling
  • 5 digit geo targeting
  • Purchase intent data
  • Environments
  • Interests
  • Contextual targeting

The targetings are also available for native ads

Programmatic Advertising Prospacting


Optimized for recency, frequency and individual funnel bidding.

Ad Quality Assurance


Brand Safety

– Play only in fire-compliant environments

– Use of various providers such as Integral Adscience and Batch Media


Ad Fraud

– Continuous portfolio screening

– Cleaning up impression frauds,

– Click Frauds & Botnet Traffic



– Measurement in the visible range (percent, duration)

– By default: measurement and optimization of ad visibility

– Double Verify as a strong partner

Programmatic Advertising Material

Performance and Branding

Top performance with top creation!

We would be happy to create your individual high-performance advertising material for you in-house. This saves you resources and time so that your campaign can start as quickly as possible.

Display Formats

Display Ads
Standard IABs, high impact (billboard, half page)

Display Banner

Premium Special Formats
Floor Ad, page scroller, skins, etc.

Foor AD

Mobile Special Formats

Interactive formats impress with their above-average CTR and high engagement rates.

Display Sonderformate

Native Advertising

Native AD

Quality Clicks

  • By integrating into the relevant editorial environment
  • Users are not disturbed in the reading flow and receive ads that match the reading behavior
  • Ads are perceived more reliably by the environment
  • Play through high-reach native networks such as: Taboola, Plista, Outbrain or Ligatus

What advantages does esc offer you with programmatic advertising?


Everything from a single source

From planning to implementation to reporting.


Broad industry experience

In the area of performance, branding and B2B.


Perfect use of synergies

Insights gained are used in all channels.

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